After a game of curling there often seems to be a disconnect between the ice conditions and how players think the ice affected their game. Time and time again missed shots are blamed on poor ice conditions. Players rarely stop to think about the effect they're having on the ice surface. The truth is players have a lot more to do with creating their own on-ice environment than they think.
Leaving your hands, fingers, knees or rear end on the ice for any extended period of time will cause problems. The time it takes to permanently burn warm body parts into the ice does not take very long because your body is so warm. In seconds the ice starts melting, and you can take the pebble right off, and leave an impression in the ice.
Debris left behind from grippers can be a nightmare. The little bits of rubber that come off a gripper can cause rocks to pick and leave the ice looking dirty. Purchase a new gripper every season and give it a good wash with soap and water a couple of times a year. Grippers collect everything because they're made from soft rubber... It doesn't hurt to wash your gripper. This will also give you a chance to have a look to see if you need a new one.
To keep from gouging the ice, avoid using scratched sliders. The deep gouges left behind by an ill-maintained slider can later have an effect on how rocks react to the ice surface. Check your slider regularly and replace if necessary.
Make sure you have one pair of shoes dedicated to curling and curling only. We ask that you clean your footwear at the entrance way every time you enter the building.