The mission of the Communications Committee is to ensure clear, timely, and effective communication within the curling club, engaging members, participants, and the broader community. By leveraging a variety of communication channels, we aim to keep all members informed and connected, fostering a strong and vibrant curling community.
Our responsibilities include regularly gathering and sharing content throughout the curling season, highlighting key aspects such as:
Club Board Updates: Communicating the composition and activities of the club’s leadership.
Awards and Achievements: Celebrating member achievements, including club awards, grant recognitions, perfect ends, and milestones.
Event Announcements: Promoting upcoming events, including internal leagues, nearby club events, bonspiels, and social gatherings.
League/Draw Results: Publishing league and draw winners to celebrate and motivate participation.
Milestones and Memorials: Recognizing significant club or member milestones related to curling and honouring the memories of members who have passed. We strive to maintain a continuous flow of relevant and engaging content that enhances club engagement and reflects the achievements and spirit of our curling community.
Time Commitment: September to April. Short monthly meetings from September to April. Information gathering and article writing including graphics each month.
Positions Available: 3
Volunteer as a committee member