
Dinners By Deb - April

As we come to the end of our season, don't miss out on these.  Be sure to also scroll to the bottom to see the Season Closer - Open Competitive Perch Night!!

Friday dinners - minimum of 30 people required. Servings 5:30-8:30 pm.

Sign up by 8:30 pm the Wednesday before - either at the club or by calling Debbie 226-440-2716.  State your name, dining time, menu choice(s) and a call back number.  Cash only.

Former members and guests welcome but must show a scannable provincial QR code for proof of double COVID vaccinations at the door.


Friday March 25 - Price: $18.00

Sole Florentine, Oven Roasted Baby Potatoes
Best Ever Baked Chicken Breast, Mushroom Risotto

both served with Curried Cauliflower, Beet & Feta Salad

Dessert $2 - Creme de Menthe Angel Food Poke Cake/Whipped Cream

Friday April 1 - Price: $21.00

Salad Bar - Bean Salad, Tomato/Bocconcini Salad, Cucumber/Red Peppers Salad

Steak Diane, Baked Potato, Corn on the Cob

Dessert $2 - Doug's Lemon Meringue Pie

Friday April 8 - Price: $18.00

Spaghetti with 4 large meatballs, Caesar Salad, Italian Bread

Dessert (included) - Tiramisu

SEASON CLOSER - Monday April 11 - Open Competitive Perch Night - Price: $18.00

Two seatings 6pm or 8pm - ****  must pre-order by April 1 ****

Perch, fries and slaw

Thank you for supporting your Kitchen and your Club this season!
Debbie and Staff


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